Posts in Eating Disorder Recovery
The Fisherman, the Businessman, and the Allure of the Body Ideal

Learn to explore the stories you tell about your body and your life.

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How to Add Yoga Practices into your Day to Support Recovery

Use yoga practices like medtation, breathwork, and yoga throughout your day to support your eating disorder recovery.

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How to Quit Shoulding All Over Yourself

Finding yourself feeling stuck? Noticing Shoulds pulling strings in your life? It doesn’t have to be this way! Let’s start rewriting your Shoulds today.

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Getting Uncomfortable in Eating Disorder Recovery

Discomfort in a normal part of recovery

Feeling discomfort in recovery is to be expected and celebrated. Rather than act with automatic behaviors and judgment, get curious with that discomfort and practice sitting with the feeling with mindful awareness.

In eating disorder recovery, we have to get really uncomfortable to grow.

How can we work to change our relationship with what it means to be uncomfortable today and everyday?

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Meditation for Food Guilt

In our diet culture world, it makes sense why you may feel guilty. We're bombarded with messages from family, friends, coworkers, and on social media about diets or wellness plans to follow, good/bad foods, or the best way to eat. It's so easy to get overwhelmed when you're hearing/seeing these messages, and I know how it may lead to feeling like you're not doing enough or eating 'right.'

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Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Eating Disorder Recovery

Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology that first showed up in the United states in 1943 and has remained popular in psychological analyses. The pyramid was created by a psychologist, Abraham Maslow, who has been looking for the meaning of life since the beginning of his career, looking to understand what would make life meaningful for people.

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Parts Work in Eating Disorder Recovery

Parts Work or Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a model developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz. Dr. Schwartz has formerly served as a family therapist and he recognized a significant resemblance between the interpersonal dynamics relationships with family members and our own relationship we have with our internal personality parts.

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Dear Eating Disorder Recovery Warrior, I hope you become your "Safe Space."

Both struggles and wins in our recovery raise our awareness. The eating disorder thrives in the unexplored. They both give us indispensable experiences. We need both. And it is this awareness that is so powerful because it gives us insight and understanding that we need to move forward.

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Identifying the Eating Disorder Voice

While at sometimes it can be pretty easy to decipher between the eating disorder voice and our authentic voice, at other times it can be pretty difficult. It can be hard to understand where some of our thoughts are coming from, if they are our own or if they are the eating disorder voice disguised as our own.

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Grow as You Go Week 5: Bloom Where...ever You Want

Have you ever heard the phrase “bloom where you’re planted?” I have sometimes wondered, what does that really mean? I suppose the meaning changes when you actually know where you’re planted. For example…

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