Posts tagged eating disorder voice
Dear Eating Disorder Recovery Warrior, I hope you become your "Safe Space."

Both struggles and wins in our recovery raise our awareness. The eating disorder thrives in the unexplored. They both give us indispensable experiences. We need both. And it is this awareness that is so powerful because it gives us insight and understanding that we need to move forward.

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Grow as You Go Week 2: Cultivate Positivity

Sticking with a new venture sometimes feels even harder than beginning one. A little of the newness dissipates and some of the shine seems slightly less lustrous. I recently heard a phrase, “familiarity breeds contempt.” And it stopped me in my tracks; it was the truest thing I’d heard in a long time. So how do we keep ourselves in motion once the initial energy burst has expired?

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Self-Compassion Challenge- Day 8

Guilt, mistakes, shame, the past...these things are H-E-A-V-Y! If you lug all these things around you get to your destination a lot slower, that is if you can even make it as you have to carry this heavy load. You also enjoy the journey a lot less with the heavy load. A big way to show ourselves more self compassion is to forgive ourselves and to let go.

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