Posts tagged recovery warrior
What Happened to You

Healing your shame is key in healing your relationship with food and your body. It starts with changing the question “what’s wrong with me??” to “what happened to you?” When we make that simple shift, grace enters the room. What happened to you offers explanations, not excuses. It opens the gate to understanding. Understanding gives us knowledge, even in the most seemingly “irrational” situations. Your fear and your pain is not senseless. It may not seem fitting for the situation, and that just means we have more to learn.

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Dear Eating Disorder Recovery Warrior, I hope you become your "Safe Space."

Both struggles and wins in our recovery raise our awareness. The eating disorder thrives in the unexplored. They both give us indispensable experiences. We need both. And it is this awareness that is so powerful because it gives us insight and understanding that we need to move forward.

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