Posts tagged growth
Grow as You Go Week 5: Bloom Where...ever You Want

Have you ever heard the phrase “bloom where you’re planted?” I have sometimes wondered, what does that really mean? I suppose the meaning changes when you actually know where you’re planted. For example…

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Grow as You Go Week 3: Symbiotic Relationships

They say no person is an island. And honestly, that’s not a great comparison, because even no island is an island! Islands are not a stand-alone ecosystem by any means. Their survival depends on the surrounding waters, the climate, migrating animals, and so on. Similarly, we as people are all connected and dependent on each other for survival, at least, and to thrive, at best…

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Grow as You Go Week 2: Cultivate Positivity

Sticking with a new venture sometimes feels even harder than beginning one. A little of the newness dissipates and some of the shine seems slightly less lustrous. I recently heard a phrase, “familiarity breeds contempt.” And it stopped me in my tracks; it was the truest thing I’d heard in a long time. So how do we keep ourselves in motion once the initial energy burst has expired?

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