Posts in Eating Disorder Recovery
Grow as You Go Week 4: Pest Control

On a scale of 1 to 2020, how much negativity are you facing today? When it comes to the struggle, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how real it is. I am writing this in late September 2020, the gift that keeps on giving. (Or rather, taking.) On the one hand…

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Grow as You Go Week 3: Symbiotic Relationships

They say no person is an island. And honestly, that’s not a great comparison, because even no island is an island! Islands are not a stand-alone ecosystem by any means. Their survival depends on the surrounding waters, the climate, migrating animals, and so on. Similarly, we as people are all connected and dependent on each other for survival, at least, and to thrive, at best…

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Pseudo Recovery or Recovered Enough

I love seeing all my clients reach their checkpoints! Eating and enjoying foods they haven't had in so long, making peace with their bodies, understanding the eating disorder, learning about how diet culture plays a role in the maintenance of their behaviors, and so much more! However, I want more for them and for you. I want you to go all the way to the finish line- to feel no ties to disordered eating, to have a full and compassionate relationship with food and your body. You deserve the world. You deserve full recovery.

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How Body Checking Will Keep you Stuck in your Eating Disorder

Body checking is done to attempt to feel better about one’s body, more specifically about the parts one may wish were different. The belief is that body checking will provide us with some relief and help in decreasing the anxiety or worry we are feeling. However, body checking does the opposite and keeps you stuck in your eating disorder and/or body hatred.

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Neuroplasticity and How Rewiring is Important to Recovery

One of the toughest parts of recovery is the process of changing those strong automatic eating disorder thoughts…those thoughts that can keep us stuck and that make eating disorder recovery so hard. How can you change these thoughts that feel almost unchangeable? Is it even possible?

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Why Acceptance Needs to be the First, Middle, and Continuous Step in Your Recovery

We have all experienced and seen the powerful affects of change, whether it has been intentional or unintentional change. When it comes to pursuing better health, change can be a very good thing. Sometimes it can even be necessary.

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Awareness as a Tool in Eating Disorder Recovery

Self-awareness is the process of understanding our own beliefs, thoughts, motivations, and actions; a practice that is an invaluable tool in eating disorder recovery. It is the practice of consciously recognizing and reflecting on what we think, how we feel, what we believe, and how we behave at any specific moment in time. Self-awareness can guide and assist us in the eating disorder recovery process and you can start this right away.

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