Self-Compassion Challenge Day 4

So, I am sure you have heard of a gratitude or appreciation journal, yeah? It is a journal in which you write about all of which you are grateful for! But have you heard of a self-appreciation journal? Today's challenge is to start (and continue) a self-appreciation journal of your own.

I want you to use it for only one thing- what you are proud of yourself for. It is really easy to be hard on ourselves and compare ourselves to others. It is easy to measure our self-worth based on the high expectations we have for ourselves.  This leaves us feeling not good enough, not productive enough, and not successful enough. 

Through a self-compassion journal, the goal is to learn to acknowledge your self-worth, to appreciate yourself, and to realize you don’t have to excel every single day to be “enough." There are plenty of little things we do each day that are all things to be proud of.
