10 Minute Body Scan Meditation

A body scan meditation is a practice of bringing awareness to and relaxing different areas in your body. It can help you connect to your body by noticing different parts of your body instead of judging or criticizing them. My experience with body scans come from a yoga nidra practice, which is also called yogic sleep, and encourages deep rest and relaxation. Most people live very busy lives and spend a lot of time looking at screens. It’s rare that we just lie down to relax, unless we’re going to sleep. Yoga nidra and body scan meditations can give you 10+ minutes to do nothing but rest.

In this practice, there’s no right or wrong way to do it. When you get started, it may be uncomfortable to notice certain areas in your body. If that’s the case, that’s okay. You can skip those areas in the body scan, or choose to do this practice with a mental health professional or support person. With time, this practice may support body image by being able to connect with your body in this practice, as well as practicing connecting to your body and its internal cues in your day to day life as well.

This practice is traditionally done lying down in a comfortable, resting position. It can be nice to use props, such as a pillow under your head, a rolled up blanket or yoga bolster under your knees, or an eye pillow or towel over your eyes. However, it can be done in any comfortable position for you and with or without props.

You can find this practice and subscribe on Spotify or Apple Podcasts!

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