Posts in Anorexia Athletica
How does anorexia affect the brain?

Anorexia nervosa has a profound impact on the brain. Beyond the obvious physical consequences, this eating disorder affects the brain’s structure, function, and chemistry, leading to changes in behavior, thinking, and emotions.

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What causes anorexia nervosa?

Anorexia nervosa is one of the more well-known eating disorders, yet it remains one of the most misunderstood (as do most eating disorders). Anorexia is a complex psychological and physical condition driven by various factors that go far beyond food and weight.

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What are the symptoms of Anorexia Athletica?

Anorexia Athletica, also known as hypergymnasia or compulsive exercise, is a condition characterized by an obsession with exercise and a compulsion to engage in physical activity to an unhealthy extent. It often occurs in athletes and fitness enthusiasts who push their bodies beyond healthy limits in the pursuit of performance or aesthetic goals.

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What is Anorexia Athletic?

In today's fitness-thin-centric culture, the pursuit of a toned physique or peak athletic performance is often celebrated, no matter what costs it may have taken an individual to get there. Furthermore, there's often an association between fitness and health with a specific toned and ideal body type, which can lead to harmful messaging. It's important to recognize that these concepts are not interchangeable.  This causes athletes to be more at risk for the possibility of developing disordered eating and body image struggles and possibly a diagnosable eating disorder like, Anorexia Athletica.

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